As of January 14th, due to problems with comments on BLOGGER I am now at my Livejournal

Monday, September 29, 2003

Dave here, ready for another late shift, and a stop off at the Tradies on the way home. I had four copies of my contract come to me today, Personnel (now known as Human Resources in a grand bit to label everything with weirdo titles) kept making mistakes on the contracts, wrong Library, end date and hours, position number, I'm surprised they got my name right! End of lunch break, gotta go to the desk. Speak to you from there........

Hi again, I'm on the desk,and ready to Rock. I got a stuffed monkey helpin me out. (Even though he ain't as good as The Civic Piggy. Megsie!!!!! Send my piggy back to me)

Song Of The Day
My Piggy lies over the ocean,
My Piggy lies over the sea.
The poor little piggy's in Civic.
Why don't they send back my Piggy to me....."
---The Lament Of Y2Dave (Traditional)

There's also some bubble wrap here that I really want to pop......

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Cheer up Megsie!

Quote of The Day
"What? Noooo!" - Impersonation by Megsie
Hi all! Just got in early to work, so I thought I'd have a quick cuppa coffee and blog session. Sitting here listening to Roy Orbison's Ultimate Collection. That's gonna be my new returns room music for a while.....Anyone who has the name Roy has gotta be good! (Hiya Grand-Dad!)
Quiz Of The Day
What's Dave's middle name? Clue: see above
Winner will recieve a copy of the Johnny Tape.

Quote Of The Day
"Who the f**k am I talking to?" - Y2Dave, this morning after talking for 5 minutes before realising he lives alone.

Dave quickly changes CD's to the soundtrack to Labyrinth


Saturday, September 27, 2003

I'm better now. Gotta hold it together for two more days then I get a day off. Like those idiots who come here deserve us. Just wait until we start charging them to borrow stuff! Heh Heh heh! That'll get 'em all goin'!

I wanna Guiness!

Gonna have a few pints before going home tonight. It won't affect me at all, cause I'm going to use Hypertime! (I'm sure DC comics invented Hypertime to cover my drinking). I'm sure there are some people out there with no idea of what hypertime is. Go buy the Paperback copy of Kingdom Come and The Kingdom. Go on! It's just downstairs from where you work.
Darn librarians, Never have good taste in reading material..........

Quote of the Day
"I have music taste more in synch with Janis than anyone else here? Who'd have thought?"
Y2Dave. (BTW Janis has great taste in music!)

Y2Dave (More cryptic than ever)
I'm stressed, Miss X is stressed, and all the internet junkies can go get stuffed!

I wonder what we did in past lives to have to put up with this shit!

F**king hippies.......

Friday, September 26, 2003

I'm still here at the Dickson Fun Factory! Got Janis a bit worried when I told the staff that they should call me Dave, not David! Janis changed the roster and everything! Didn't think she'd take that so seriously.

I can't mention the swimming story, so I won't.

I watched Spider-Man last night. That's gotta be the 2nd best superhero movie ever made (not counting david hasslehoff in Nick Fury:Agent of Shield). Just pipped at the post by Superman:The Movie. Now if they had Lex Luthor in Spider-Man instead of Norman Osborn.......as long as Otis came too, then that would be an Oscar winning movie!

Quote Of The Day
Hello new west coast, my west coast. Luthorville, Costa del Lex, Lexville, Otisburg.....
From Superman:The Movie

Thursday, September 25, 2003

The Big news today....... Its Ken's Birthday! YAYYYYYY Ken!
So we had a work breakfast followed by a little bit of champa....shampan..... bubbly! Riitta was there, she's missing the library too much me thinks.....

Happy birfday ken, letz open the uthar bottill of plonk! I'll hafta have a few points a Guinness tonoite for you!

That alcohol has helped us deal with the customers today. Except the heavy-duty freaks. Some trademan guy came in to set up the new internet PC and didn't kniow why he was here. And we didn't know what he had to do. Great communication in this service.....

Quote of the Day
I miss the piggy...... The monkey can't dance........

The Other Quote Of The Day
He put me in the microwave....Daaaave!!!
Y2Dave, doing his Ted E.Bear/David Straussman impression with Julies dog. (Trust me, it does make sense)

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Yay! Dave just got the Yay For The Day for finding a book! Just goes to show what 3 years at Uni can do for ya! Dave the King at finding books and photocopy repairs!

Y2Dave (It helps if you turn the copier ON, sir)

Quote Of The Day
(The Setup: Dave was keeping a Slim Dusty at the desk, so he could listen to it during his return shift)
Cass: What's with this Slim Dusty CD? What's the problem?
Janis: Ohh. He's dead?

Guess you had to have been there.......

Just had Granger and his Dr Who video come in. Turns out he's seen it. Kept saying "Civic said yes" (???) So Civic, please STOP SAYING YES! You are just causing problems. I won't even get into Julie and the blue pen story. Tell you all at drinks tomorrow. Poor Julie, she's been a freak magnet lately. I think she'll hulk out at any minute. Maybe she needs the relaxing atmosphere generated by the Civic Piggy.

(sob) I miss the piggy too...

Y2Dave (friend of the Ninja Pigs)

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Just went to SubWay for lunch. Got stuck behind one of those Buddhist customers:
Can I help you Sir?
(Looking at menu)Ummmmmm. Ummmmmm errrrrr ummmmm can I have the errr ummmmmm.... etc

Quote of The Day
What would you tax sir?
I would tax Racquel Welch, and I've a feeling she'd tax me.......
Monty Pythons All -Original Flying Circus

I'm getting bored. Panda ain't updated yet, and I got nothing else to comment on.

The Yay For The Day
Todays Yay for the Day goes to Dr William H Cosby, for picking up his Humanitarian Award last night and also for his spectacular films Leonard Part 6 and Ghost Dad. (Two films that should be released on Special edition DVD).

Dave needs more coffee. Better call Reg.

Yahoo! I'm making the monkey Dance!!!!!
Dance monkey, dance!!!!

Y2Dave (It's a madhouse! A MADHOUSE!!!!!)

Cool! Kerrie just showed me a childrens book in our JE section called Don't Call Me Little Bunny. Its about a fluffy wittle wabbit who holds up a bank with a "real gun, bow and arrows and a very sharp knife". I love children's literature!

Monday, September 22, 2003

Hey Fellas! It's coffee-break time! So I'm back blogging. Nice night tonight. No freaks. Realised this afternoon that I'm working this saturday. F**k it. I'm gonna miss the Bookfair. (Though I still haven't read the ones I got last fair, and I'm running out of room in the storeroom) My Spider-Man collection is growing too fast.And I missed The Bill on saturday!

Mmmm I enjoyed that coffee, better get back to work.

Quote Of The Day
"You can't buy me off with Nescafe Gold Blend!" - Reg Hollis, Coffee-Squad (written and performed by Y2Dave)

Visit the Coffee-Squad page at geocities.org/coffeesquad
Just looking up stuff with Julie. Theres a creature called a Ukrainian Ironbelly! Isn't that a cool name for a superhero!
Ahh. Gotta cuppa coffee, got to work early, and still got not much to write. Gonna try and save a bit of cash, and whenever I get the chance for a few days off, go travelling. (Probably only to Sydney and Newcastle to see some friends who I ain't seen for yonks). Saw Jess yesterday, hafta get her to come to drinks night this week if she feels better.(She had the chronic Lurgi)

Well that was boring, Do you all need a joke?

Q:What did the Zen Master say to the hot-dog vendor?
A: One (with everything)!
Think about it, you'll get it........

Man I got really depressed yesterday, and I know you Dave-fans don't like soul-searching blogs, but I did some soul-searching yesterday. Discussed problems with my Reeboks, cause you see, my shoes understand. They have soles!

Lift up joke to see bottom of the barrel
Y2Dave (all joked up and nowhere to go)

Janis just told me Griffith library is flooded!

Might see what the panda is doing.......
Hey cool. Panda is a champion. Check out the link on the right for details.

A big HI to Dick if he's reading!!!!!

Quote Of The Day
Can I borrow books with my borrowers card? - Library genius #152

Saturday, September 20, 2003

A big Hi to my new readers! Hi Jeanette and Megsie!
Dave in a sad mood today, I just got the paper and read that Slim died. Gonna hafta have a drink (in moderation) in memory. Now when's the next bus to the Town and Country? (Duncan joke).

Memorial Song Of The Day
The Biggest Disapointment - Slim Dusty (A great song about being your own person)

Dave gotta go, he's using the Dick Smith powerhouse access.

Bye all. Comment and make me happy!

Friday, September 19, 2003

Just got a new ......
Quote Of The Day
"You know who you need, you need someone like my Will"- Megsie, fixing relationships is her game.
Just heard from louise that I'm here at Dickson until 17th October. I'm sort of happy, but I'm missing the Civicians. Hi all! Wish I was back there!

It's raining Cats and dogs at the moment, (I just stepped in a poodle). I ain't looking forward to going home in this. Hafta stop off at Civic to see Megsie and check out the new comics at Impact.

Cool! There's a guy outside building an ark.

Quote Of The Day
Noah? How long can you tread water? - God (according to Bill Cosby)
Dave just patted Julie's stuffed dog on the head. MMMMmmmmm relaxing.........

Quote of The Moment
GRRRRRRrrrrrrrr! - Dave to Julies stuffed dog

I never felt more like punching a customer in the face! Some ol bat tried to return items at the loans desk. Told her to use the return chutes. "But that'll crack the spines" - Yeah but its the library rules. "Oh it is not. You just made that up so you don't have to work" F**king old bag...... I didn't realise I was put on this Earth to serve your every whim. Just hurry up and die......

(Man I sound like the Panda)

Y2Dave (stressed and fuming)

On a lighter note.
The Quote Of The Day
Been a change to the roster, Ken. You're on returns this hour.
You Beauty! I can listen to me Country Drinking Songs!
Ken 'n' Dave (Available as clowns for your next party)

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Dave's still stuck in the returns room! At least I got my CD player in here with me, even though the CD collection here is crap.
Returns CD of The day
Money For Nothing - Dire Straits

I'm looking forward to going back to Civic, although I ain't looking forward to the sudden drop in pay. (Hopefully I should snaffle a permanent position soon). I am gonna miss the close proximity of the library and the Tradies though. Nice place to wait for a bus, then miss it, have a few more while waiting for the next bus......oh bugggar I've missed tha neckst wun. Have a few more, shoot ive been here all knight, gotta go to work..... Hi Everybody!!!!!

Legal Note: Dramitisation. May never have happened

Quote of The Day
Name one person who lost an arm and did really well for themselves.
That Mexican Dude! The one who robbed people.
What Mexican dude?
The One-Armed Bandit!

Lister and Cat- Red Dwarf VII

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Whew! Just took a walk down a few blocks to get Floriade posters for the library. Don't even know why I did that, I HATE Floriade. Must be cause I'm so professional. Thank God I ain't workin late tonight. I'm knackered!

I seem to be becoming Mr Technical Fixit Dude with our system. My method is simple. Pretend to think about the problem, scratch my head alot, say things like "hmmm" and "If I do this, then....."., and then Ring someone who probably does know (like the Panda, who probably gets all his knowledge from the Civic Piggy). Thanks for your help today Panda! (By the way, it IS impossible to order the blocks on that screen).

Quote Of The Day
"Elizabeth, has anyone apart from me said anything stupid today? I need a quote of the day" - Y2Dave (about 2 minutes ago)

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

GAAARRGHHHH! People are starting to Piss me off!
Quick tips everybody!
GET YOUR CARD OUT BEFORE you get to the desk.
Sydney cards DON'T WORK HERE!
and if you haven't used the card for 5 years you AIN'T ON THE GODDAMM SYSTEM!!!!!!

(and I can't find a CD returned Yesterday) Damn it!

(Man, I'm getting as angry as the panda.........)
Happy Birthday Mum!!!!

Just in the returns area, returnin' and listening to Diana Krall in Paris. (soothing!) Found it in the recent returns. Its gotta be better than the radio station we seem to always have on. (And a change from Best Ever Country Drinking Songs- Ken's favourite). Been editing this entry for a while. Intact keep kicking me off terminals.

Quote Of The Day
What's the Library's web address? - Elena doing AskNow!

Bye all. Falling asleep in here.....


BANG! sudden noise wakes ol' Dave!

Got my tax refund yesterday. Can't f**king believe it! Gonna use it to buy a PC for meself. Hopefully soon I'll have my OWN net access. Then I can cheer up the Panda 24 hours a day!

Monday, September 15, 2003

Silly Children
Just had a family in borrowing Fleming's On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Told them it was the best Bond book, and the best Bond film cause the guy who played Bond lives in Queanbeyan. The little boy then said "Does Sean Connery live in Queanbeyan?" Silly child..... Sean Connery lives on the moon with Mr Squiggle. Everybody knows that!

RIP Johnny Cash
A Declaration
Dave has declared war on all who hurt the Civic Piggy!


Y2Dave- Ready to rumble

Hi all. In early to work so thought I'd have a good blog session. before I forget I gotta put in the
Quote Of The Day
"Do you have an internet at home? Doh! What a stupid F##king question" - Jess (demonstrating a rhetorical question to Alicia)

time passes, Dave works.... Stress level rises.....

Had to work yesterday, some idiot came in telling me to ring ACTION because he left some CD's on the bus. Like its my job, ring them yourself. He didn't give me his name as "oh I told you my name months ago at Civic" Idiot......

I have had more idiots than a Frank Spencer family gathering today! Some old woman telling me recipies for boiled sweets, some other guy who started talking to people in the queue when I was explaining stuff. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW THEN DON'T FRICKIN' ASK!!!!!

Y2Dave (Who just wants sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their head)

Friday, September 12, 2003

Just tried to put a comment thingy on my site. not sure if it works yet. more to come.....

yay It worked. Now Ive gotta fix up all the code I almost wrecked pasting stuff in. Hiya Cass! Feel better!

Just got a call from my little Russian mate. She's busted her back. Poor dear. Told me Its not good at all. get well soon Irena. You're an angel!

Quote Of The Day
Noah's flood was global! Haven't you seen the movie? - Dave (showing his biblical knowledge)

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Whopeee! Dave had an interview at Loifline (The Irish charity) yesterday. Fanks to Alicia for puttin my name in the hat. Find out next week how I went. So that's what happened to my day off. Least I'm getting Saturday off. Just helped Louise with a printer. Helpful ol' Dave.

RIP Warren Zevon.
Felt a bit upset when I heard The "Excitable Boy" died the other day. Hafta have a long Zevon listening session tonight. (Get out the old scratched LP's). Dave's turning into a sad non-panda.

Memorial Songs Of The Day
Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner and Excitable Boy - Warren Zevon

Y2Dave (time stands still for Dave till I even up the score)

Monday, September 08, 2003

Dave is in the middle of a looonnnng late shift. Just spent an hour and a half looking up books for some old woman. She had a list of recently published stuff and didn't know why they weren't in Large print and Audio. They were only printed last month......

Day off tomorrow. Gonna read Andy Kaufman's bio.

Y2Dave (who would never Dare be goofin' on Elvis)
Woo an exciting morning! Full of action, drama and bad puns. When I was walking to work this morning, I cut through the "Forest" in Curtin, and feel a THUNK! on me 'ead. Bloody magpie swoopin' me. Feathered freak did it twice. When I got to the bus stop, an old lady freaked cause she saw blood running down my face. (When I got to Civic, Irena had the same reaction. Bless her! :) ) I was a bit disappointed, when I get "juicing" I want to get the full Gordon Solie crimson mask on. (How about that! Two wrestling terms in one sentence)

So that's today. On Saturday I went to the tradies after work with Canny, Drew and Tammy. Had a few, then had some more...........

Worked Sunday with a hangover.

Which brings us up to date. And now
The Lyric Of The Day
"Andy did you hear about this one?
Tell me, are you lost in the part?
Andy are you goofin' on Elvis (Hey Baby) ?
Are you havin fun?"
Man On The Moon -REM

Quote of The Day
Tank you velly much. Now an eeemetation of de Elviccce Presleey! - Foreign Man

Saturday, September 06, 2003

Yay! Blogger's back up. Just had drew & tammy visit my lie-berry. Also had some idiot giving a lecture on democracy to some woman after he had pushed in front of her in the queue. He's the guy with the child on XTC. Idiot! Ive been stuck on these desks for ages..... I wanna hide in the returns room with my radio.

Lyric Of The Day
"Hey Mrs Postletwaite, will you feed my whippet?
Daylight come and we're still down t' pit!" - Northern Calypso , Hale & Pace

Got to work today and found out there's only going to be four staff all day. Arrrrrrgggghhhh! We need at least 5! Hopefully it'll rain and everyone will stay home.

Anyway, I read a book last night (The Walrus Was Paul) detailing all the clues that The Beatles had in their lyrics and album covers to prove that Paul McCartney is really dead. Really in-depth stuff it was too. So the McCartney who wrote Magneto and Titanium Man for Wings wasn't the real deal? Still a good little song though even if it is little known.

Song Of The Day
Obviously, it's Magneto And Titanium Man from Wings Across America
(any song that mentions Magneto, Titanium Man and The Crimson Dynamo has got to be good! :) )

And now it's back to work for Y2Dave

Friday, September 05, 2003

Yay! Just spent half an hour on the phone to Intact to fix my e-mail, and she did it! Well done Intact! Not able to remember what I was gonna write here now, but lets have a ........
Song Of The Day
"Blue Moon of Kentucky" - Elvis Presley

Elvis, in my opinion is the only singer who was allowed to record covers of songs, his turned out better than the originals. Look at Blue Suede Shoes and Blue Moon of Kentucky. They are so superior that most people think they ARE the original.

End of Sermon

Also a quick HI to the panda if he's reading. Wish Blog had a comment thingy, but neh, we can do without it.

Y2Dave (Shining on, though the world has gone and left me blue)
Got to work this morning early, so I can check my mail, only to find I couldn't log on to Outlook today. Bugger it! Gotta get on to Intact AGAIN! Damn computers.....
Trying to write this at the desk and getting interupted all the time. Here comes another one.... Been typing this for 13 minutes now. Gonna have a Halloween-fest soon and watch 'em all back to back. That'll fill me in till 30th October. (The day Freddy vs Jason arrives in Australian cinemas)

Quote Of The Day
"Damn 'vengers! Get off my lawn!" - Ultron-Over70 (Marvel Comics joke)

Thursday, September 04, 2003

I just read my archives. What the ??????

I feel all nostalgic.

Quote of The Evening
"Yeah, she's a sculptor. She makes sculpts...." - Julie (getting to grips with english)

Treated myself last night to a little surprise. Cause of my interview results. A shitload of beer and a copy of Halloween:Resurrection. (only bought it to complete the set) Still stuck at Dickson, and I keep hearing things like, "How can we get dave to stay" "Pity you have to go back" etc. But I gotta go back to look after my little mates at Civic. (And to keep the Panda away from the drinks cabinet).

Song of The Day
Desperadoes Under the Eaves - Waren Zevon

Stuck In My Head Today
The Halloween theme - John Carpenter

Which brings us to ......... The Quote Of The Day
"This month's Inside sport's on my desk. Couple of good sorts in it!" - The Ken Man.

Bye all. Gotta flick through Inside Sport.


Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Yay! Dave got his interview results back!
Dave is ranked 8th!!!!!!
Dave gonna have a small celebration tonight!
Dave is close to using up his supply of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now he'll have to use other punctuation %%&^&^$**^$#
It looks like I'm swearing. Ohhh Matron!

Dave too happy!!!!!!!!!! dave gonna rite to HULK to cee if he kan help wiv my spellchecka!

Bye ev'rybody!

Quote of the Day
Yep, yep, yep yep yep.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Wooooo! Scary!

I watched Hellraiser last night. - Bloody good movie (pun intended) Watched Hellraiser II last night as well - Good movie! Watched part of Hellraiser:Bloodline as well. No Comment! Not even gonna try to watch Hellraiser V. If Pinhead isn't written by Clive Barker it ain't worth it.

Also whats with Enterprise?? How come its the only good Star trek since Star Trek?

I'm in the middle of the 2nd day of an 8 day stretch at Dickson. I'm already knackered!

Bye all. Gotta go do something important!! (Ha)

Y2Dave (Hellbound, and Ready to Tear your Soul Apart!!!)

Monday, September 01, 2003

Hi Davites!

I'm at work early so I'm gonna give you an update. What's happened recently, is .......Not much.
Apart from Dckson library's roof is falling, Dave bought a new VCR so he can watch all those old rasslin' tapes that didn't work on his old one, Sancho got a haircut, and last friday Cass and I saw jesus. (On an e-mail).

And for some reason, I've got What's My Scene playing in my head. Yay! The 80's are back!!!!!

Quote Of The Day
What do you mean you didn't like The Two Towers? It's got so many cute guys in it! - The girl at Video 2000

Bye all!

PS I still think The Two Towers wasn't very good. I want Peter jackson to make The Frighteners II

Y2Dave (The new Bill Collins)

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